Thursday, January 17, 2013

Shots of thoughts and guilt

When hard times pass in  our lives we feel swallowed by the dark and thrown into the center of hell.
I'm not talking about those little silly things many people think that its disastrous, No!, I'm talking about those hard obstacles that slaps you right in the face without any warning, about those hard obstacles that you face in life , the kind of when they first hit you in the face you don't believe that it is actually happening, until someday you stop and think how did i never saw this coming? am i that blind, am i chasing after life and all its pleasures and paying less attention to the important things!! 
That's when I realized that the devil caught  me from the neck while tricking me by telling me which way to go and made me choose the way  it wants 
the direction i think I'm going to is paradise while the direction he's  taking me leads straight to HELL!
Now I'm wide awake but still walking in that direction, I've been walking through a very long time that i cant go back now its too late or isn't  it?
they say God's doors are always open  but would he accept me after all this? 
today i did a very nasty thing to do i let my bad side role over me and i hurt a dear person knowing that they're going to be hurt!! is it a bad thing ? 
i really felt guilty about it!
would the feeling of guilt take away what i did?
i didn't think so too !!


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